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Как пишеться по меня зовут настя мне 11 лет. мою маму зовут оля, она домохозяйка. моего папу зовут виталя,он работает в морге. моего брата зовут кирилл. он ходит в садик "ласточка". в субботу мы с братом идем к бабушке и ночуем у неё.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi! my name is nastya. i'm 11. my  mother's name is olya, she is    housewife.my father's name is vitalii. he  works in a mortuary. my brother's name is kirill. he g  oes to the children's  garden "swallow".  on saturday we with the brother go to the grandmother and we spend the night at her.

Hi, my name is nastya. i am 11 years old. my mother's name is olga, she is a housewife.my father's name is vitalyi, he works in morgue. my brother's name is kirill. he goes to the kindergarten, called lastochka.on saturdays my brother and l go to our grandmother and stay for the night.

1. are studying 2.aren't working 3. is the girl reading now? 4. were playing 5.wasn't sleeping 6. are you 7.will be going 8. won't be knitting 9.will be playing

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