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Сделать correct the mistakes. 1) i am her friend , am i? 2) she can play the tennis, can't she? 3)that is a good idea, isn't that? 4) there is a little green door there, isn't it? 5) they will speak english bad, they are bad students. 6) these toys are in the box , are they? 7) you are never tired, aren't you? 8)there is some honey cakes on the table, isn't there? 9)there is some honey in a kitchen, isn't there? 10) everyone looked at him because he was dancing nice.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i am her friend, am i not? 2) she can play tennis, can't she? 3) that is a good idea, isn't it? 4) there is a little green door there, isn't there? 5) they will speak english badly, they are bad students. 6) these toys are in the box , aren't they? 7) you are never tired, are you? 8) there is some honey cakes on the table, isn't there? 9) there is some honey in the kitchen, isn't there? 10) everyone looked at him because he was dancing nicely.

The tower of london the tower of london is one of the main london's places of interest. it is located on the north bank of the river thames and is one of the oldest buildings.   at different times the tower was used as a royal residence, fortress, prison, mint and, even, zoo. today the tower of london is the place where the crown jewels are kept.   every day its doors are open for tourists. a few black ravens live on its territory. the walls of the tower are still guarded by palace guard in historical outfits. перевод: лондонский тауэр – одна из главных достопримечательностей лондона. он находится на северном берегу темзы и является одним из старейших зданий. в разное время тауэр использовался как резиденция королей, крепость, тюрьма, монетный двор и даже зоопарк. сегодня лондонский тауэр – место, где хранятся королевские драгоценности. каждый день его двери открыты для туристов. на его территории живут несколько черных воронов. стены тауэра до сих пор охраняются королевской стражей в костюмах.

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