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Иеще один ) 3. open the brackets and use the comparative form of the adjectives and adverbs: 1) the exam was quite difficult – … (difficult) than i expected. 2) i know him well – probably … (well) than anybody else knows him. 3) this coffee is very weak. i like it a bit … (strong). 4) the hotel was surprisingly cheap. i expected it to be … (expensive). 5) the weather is too cold here. i’d like to live somewhere … (warm). 6) don’t worry. the situation isn’t so bad. it could be … (bad). 7) i felt tired last night, so i went to bed … (early) than usual. 8) i want a … (big) flat. we don’t have enough space here. 9) the instructions were very complicated. they could have been … (simple). 10) in some parts of our country, prices are … (high) than in others. 11) you look … (thin). have you lost weight? 12) david looks … (old) than he really is. 13) i’ve waited long enough. i’m not waiting any … (long). 14) could you speak a bit … (slowly)? 15) how do you feel? – much … (good), thank you. 16) your english is improving. it’s getting … (good) and … (good).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1more difficult 2 better 3 stronger 4 more expensive 5 warmer  6 worse 7 earlier 8 bigger 9 simpler 10 higher 11 thinner 12 older 13 longer 14 slowlier 15 better 16 better and better

Moon forest river nature jungle lake park mountain

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