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Nikolai gogol - the famous russian writer, one of the great masters of prose and drama in the russian classical literature. nikolai gogol was born on march 20 (april 1) 1809 in the family landlord vasily gogol-yanovsky afanasevicha in the village sorochintsy (poltava province). he came from an old ukrainian cossack family and was a descendant of the famous cossack ostap gogol, who was at the end of the xvii century hetman of right-bank ukraine.   nikolai gogol was named in honor of the miraculous icon of st. nicholas, are stored in the church sorochintsy, where the parents were living writer. in addition to the nicholas family was still eleven children. there were six boys and six girls. the first two boys were born dead. gogol was the third child. the fourth son was too early deceased ivan (1810-1819). then, a daughter mary (1811-1844). all secondary children also died in infancy. the last born daughter anna (1821-1893), elizabeth (1823-1864) and olga (1825-1907). gogol was unusual and interesting person, for example, he had a passion for needlework: knitting scarves, dresses kroil sisters sewed myself scarves, also liked miniature editions of books, good cooked and entertained friends dumplings and dumplings. prepared goat's milk with rum, which he called eggnog. i walked the streets are usually on the left side, because that constantly ran into passers-by. gogol in school wrote mediocre writings, he was very weak in languages ​​and made progress only in the drawing and russian literature. gogol often when he wrote, rolled balls of white bread. friends, he said that it helps him to resolve the most complex problems. in his pockets were always sweet. living in a hotel, he never allowed the servants to take tea served sugar, collected it, hid, and then gnawed pieces of work or conversation. some believe that gogol died a virgin, these allegations appeared, because it is known about its relationship with women in general. literary notoriety gogol was brought by a collection of works of "evenings on a farm near dikanka" (1831-1832), saturated ukrainian ethnographic and folklore material marked by romantic moods, lyricism and humor. the source of the plot for the play gogol's "the inspector general" was a real event in the city ustyuzhna novgorod province, with the author about the case told pushkin. pushkin gogol advised to continue writing the work, when he did not just want to throw this thing. the history of his native ukraine was for him one of the favorite hobbies and studies. it is these studies moved the writing of his epic novel "taras bulba". it was first published in the collection "mirgorod" and in 1835 one copy of this magazine gogol personally handed in the hands of mr. uvarov - minister of education, to the one presented it to emperor nicholas i.

1. What will you do,will we go

2.will take place

3. Starts / will start

4. Will finish work

5. Will do

6. Will it finish?


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