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Complete the aenences with the verbs in brackets in correct form. 1. the travellers had to stop/ it was difficult to walk-) with deep snow. here and there the great away) by the wind. 2. at last the boys came up to they mysterious old ) before. 3/there was no more talk. the basket ). everybody was ready to do something or to fetch something. in a few minets supper was ready. 4. jane and michael could not rememer that thay ) to bed so quickly as they were that night. marry poppins blew out the light very early and hurriedly went away. .. можно в

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4,6(15 оценок)

1. the travellers had to stop. it was difficult to walk-exerything  was covered   with deep snow. here and there the great branches  have  been torn away by the wind.

2. at last the boys came up to they mysterious old house  had been explored  before.

3. there was no more talk. the basket has been unpacked. everybody was ready to do something or to fetch something. in a few minutes supper was ready.

4. jane and michael could not remember that they had been put    to bed so quickly as they were that night. marry poppins blew out the light very early and hurriedly went away.

1. was covered, have  been torn away.

2. had been explored

3. has been unpacked.

4. had been put.

4,6(72 оценок)

My favorite actor is   vladimir  zeldin.  vladimir zeldin was born february 10, 1915 in michurinsk.he has  a big family  .i  saw him in many movies but most of all i liked the movie matchmakers, he's playing the main heroine of the  great grandfatherhe . (главная героиня женя. и он был дедушкой, даже прадедушкой жени)  until the day of his death,   he played in the theater of the theatre of  soviet army. unfortunately he died 31 october 2016 at the age of 101. but he is    still in my heart. he will remain alive.

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