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Вставить слова в правильной форме (simple past tense, past progressive or was/were going to). 1) at the time, i (date) someone else, and van (not seem) interested in a romantic relationship. 2) one day the teacher (hear) me while i (whisper) to van. 3) because of that, we both (have to) stay after school. 4) i (complain) about such a severe punishment, but i (change) my mind because staying late with a friend (not be) so bad. 5) that afternoon, we (not stop) talking. 6) as soon as i (break up) with my old boyfriend, i (ask) van out. 7) aleesha (move) into the apartment next door when i (see) her for the first time. 8) i (sit) on the front steps while she (park) a u-haul in front of the apartment building. 9) as soon as she (jump) out of the truck, i (think), "i'm going to marry that woman".

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1) at the time, i (was dating) someone else, and van (did not seem to be ) interested in a romantic relationship. 2) one day the teacher (heard) me while i (was whispering) to van. 3) because of that, we both (had to) stay after school. 4) i (was going to complain) about such a severe punishment, but i (changed) my mind because staying late with a friend (was not ) so bad. 5) that afternoon, we ( stopped) talking. 6) as soon as i (broke up) with my old boyfriend, i (asked) van out. 7) aleesha (was moving) into the apartment next door when i (saw) her for the first time. 8) i (was sitting) on the front steps while she (was parking) a u-haul in front of the apartment building. 9) as soon as she (jumped) out of the truck, i (thought), "i'm going to marry that woman". 

Fiscal and monetary policy are the most effective methods of state regulation of the economy.

Taxes are mandatory payments by individuals and legal entities to central and local budgets. Taxes perform two fiscal and regulatory functions. Initially, in all states at different stages of development, taxes performed only a fiscal function, tf. tax revenues (went away) to finance government spending.

Over the past two decades, taxes have performed a regulatory function through the tax policy of the state. By manipulating taxes, the state is trying to achieve certain goals - to increase output, employment, or reduce inflation.

Taxes can be classified into direct and indirect, state and local. The main types of direct taxes that taxpayers pay are: personal income tax, corporate income tax, property taxes, social taxes. fees, etc.

Indirect canopies are taxes on goods and services. These include excise taxes and duties. Excise taxes are imposed on alcohol. petrol. tobacco products. The most common form of excise duty is VAT. This tax was first introduced in France in 1954. VAT rates in different countries range from 5 to 38% of the value of the goods. In Ukraine, VAT is levied at a rate of 20%.

Indirect taxes have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, they are a reliable way to mobilize funds in the state budget, and on the other hand, they increase the prices of goods that place a heavy burden on the poor.

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