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Всем! меня зовут маша.я с украины.мне 11 лет.я ученица 5-го класса.я живу с мамой,папой и любимым пёсиком по имени вовик.пять дней в неделю я хожу в школу,но выходные дни я мои родители встречаемся с друзями и хорошо проводии время. мы ходим в боулинг или в картинг.когда хорошая погода, мы делаем пикник у нас во дворе и приглашаем родных и друзей. занятия в школе начинаются в 8: 30.я учу два иностранных языка, и француский.в школе мне не легко учится,но я стараюсь .в будущем я хотела бы стать дизайнером одежды.после школы я хожу на современную хореографию с элементами гимнастики. я считаю если хорошо заниматься то в будущем хореограф может быть как моя вторая професия.я бы хотела как мой тренер учить детей танцам и правильным движениям.мы с моим колективом участвуем в многих соревнованиях.у меня есть грамоты и медали.я своим родителям которые меня любят и в моем развиватся для своих целей. моим учителям,тренерам и людям которые и поддерживают.

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Hi all! my name is mary.i'm from ukraine.i am 11 years old.i am a student of 5th class.i live with my mom,dad and beloved dog named vova.five days a week i go to school,but weekends i meet my parents friends and well provadia time. we go bowling or go karts.when the weather is nice, we picnic in our yard and invite family and friends. classes at school start at 8: 30.i teach two foreign languages,english and french.at school i learn,but i try.in the future i would like to become a fashion designer.after school i go to modern choreography with elements of gymnastics. i think if it is good to do in the future choreographer can be my second profession.i would like my coach to teach children dancing and proper motion.i and my team are participating in many competitions.i have diplomas and medals.i am grateful to my parents who love me and help in my develop for their own purposes.thanks to my teachers,coaches and people who help and support us.

legends about robin hood have been well known in england for centuries. he was the hero of the poor people and he always helped them. when the sheriffs took the poor people’s money, and the king’s soldiers took their food, robin hood took money and food from the rich and gave it to the poor. when any poor man was in danger, he could run away to the great forest where robin hood lived. and the soldiers were afraid to follow anybody into the forest.

at last the sheriff of northampton [nor'saemptan], robin hood’s greatest enemy thought of a plan to make robin hood come out of the forest. “we’ll have a competition,” he said. “whoever can shoot an arrow farthest and best will receive a golden arrow as a prize. i am sure robin hood will come to the competition. and though we have never seen him, we know that he has a bright green coat.”

on the day of the competition, hundreds of people came to northampton from all the little towns near the city. the sheriff and his men looked everywhere, but there was nobody there in a bright green coat. at-the end of the competition, the sheriff gave the golden arrow to the winner—a strong young man in a red coat.

that night somebody shot an arrow into the sheriff’s window. there was a paper round the head of the arrow, with these words on it: “robin hood thanks the sheriff for the golden arrow"

who was robin hood?

where could any poor man in danger run away to?

what was the plan of the sheriff to make robin hood come out of the forest?

could the sheriff and his men find robin hood at the competition?

what words wore written on a paper round the head of the arrow that somebody shot into the sheriff’s window?     "the golden arrow"    

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