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1. i met my (good) friend yesterday. a goodest в better с best 2. dorothy is (young) in her family. a the youngest в the younger с young 3. henry is not (strong) his elder brother bob. a so strong as в strong as с stronger 4. — it isn’t very warm today, is it? - no, it was (warm) yesterday. a more warm в warmer с the warmest 5. your friend looked upset yesterday. i’m glad he looks (happy) today. a more happy в happier с happy as 6. where is (near) post-office, please? a the nearest в the next с nearer 7. that’s (good) film i’ve ever seen. a a good в the goodest с the best 8. public transport in london is (expensive) in europe. a the expensivest в the most expensive с more expensive 9. do you think americans are (nice) english people? a nicer than в the nicest с nice than 10. the 22nd of december is (short) day in the year. a the short в the shorter с the shortest 11. this is (old) theatre in london. a an older в the oldest с the eldest 12. pluto is (cold) of all the planets. a the coldest в coldest с colder 13. my (old) sister doesn’t live with us. a older в elder 14. this house is (old) of all the houses in the street. a as old as в older с the oldest 15. go to the library if you need (far) information. a farther в further с farer 16. life is (easy) it used to be. a so easy as в more easy than с easier than 17. i’m getting (fat) and (fat). a the fattest and the fattest в fatter and fatter с fat and fat 18. the problem was (serious) we expected. a seriouser than в more serious than 19. moscow is (large) city in russia. a the largest в largest с larger 20. let’s go by train. it’s much (cheap). a cheap в cheaper с the cheapest 21. is alan (tall) than jim? a taller в tall с as tall as 22. i earn (little) money than he does. a littler в more little с less 23. he has than me. a bigger в much с more 24. your cottage isn’t (far) i thought. a farther в so far as c as farther as 25. (old) i get, (happy) i am. a the oldest, the happiest в older, happier с the older, the happier 26. the grass is always (green) on the other side. a greener в green 27. dad often says that mom is his (good) half. a good в better с the better

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1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6.a 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. c 11.b 12.a 13.b 14.c 15.b 16.c 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.b 21.a 22.c 23.c 24.b 25.c 26.a 27.b

1. endangered 2. habitat 3. не могу придумать слово 4.   damage  5. extinct 6. save 7. around 8. member 9. recycle 10. не могу придумать слово

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