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Choose the correct item: 1)i want to go hot on holiday. i think i'll go to spain. a) nowhere; b) anywhere; c) somewhere 2) she's at the bus-stop. a bus. a) is going to; b) will; c) shall 3) i hate driving my father's car a) fathers; b) father's; c) fathers' 4) i wish the students were a) quietly; b) quiet; c) quietest 5) i think germany win the football match. a) is goin to; b) will; c) shall 6)i have four children, but of them are tall. a) none; b) neither; c) both 7) she is very busy today. she letters all morning. a) has been typing; b) had typed; c) had been typing. 8) you like to order now, sir? a) will; b) shall; c) would 9) it's taken me a long time to clear away the toys a) children; b) childrens'; c) children's

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. c 9.c

1. was answered

2. is played

3. are gathered

4. were burnt

5. will be finished

6. are sold

7. was founded

8. is eaten

9. was received

10. will be sent

11. was asked

12. was given

13. will be done

14. was translated

1. The freshman was laughed at by the senior students.

2. The headmistress was spoken to by the group yesterday

3. The babies were looked after by their young mothers with great care.

4. That old house wasn't lived in.

5. Jim was sent for and told to prepare a report on that subject.

6. Our friend was thought about all the time.

7. He will be operated on by the doctor in a week.

8. The pupil's parents were sent for by the teacher.

9. The newspaper was looked for everywhere.

10. The bed wasn't slept in.

11. The telegram was asked for by the neighbour.

12. The lecturer was listened to by everybody with great attention.


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