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Вот текст надо написать буквами но чтобы слышалось по 1. this is our town. there is a big square called market square in the middle of the town.there are some shops and a libtary on the north side of market square and there's a big department store on the west side. the school is to the south of the river, opposite the car park. 2.this is our town.it has got a bus station and a train station. there's a hospital near the park. the park is to the south of the hospital. the big square in the middle of the town is called market square. the police station is on the east side of the square.

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Зис из ауер таун. ит хез гот е бас стейшн енд е трейн стейшн. зеариз е хоспитал ниа зе парк. зе парк из ту зе саус оф зе хоспитал. зе биг сквеа ин зе мидл оф зе таун из колд маркет сквеа. зе полис стейшн из он зе ист сайд оф зе сквеа

1. зыс ис ор таун. зэр ис э биг скуар калд маркет скуар ин зэ миддл оф зэ таун. зэр ар самшопс энд либтари он зэ норз сайд оф маркет скуар энд зэрс э биг депортамент стор он зэ вэст сайд. зэ скул ис ту зэ соуз оф зэ ривер, оппосайт зэ кар парк.

Leo tolstoy (august 28, 1828, the estate of yasnaya polyana in tula province - 7 november 1910 astapovo station (now the station leo tolstoy) ryazan-ural - earl, russian writer.the first years of tolstoy's life took place in his parents' estate yasnaya polyana, near the town of tula. very early, at the age of eighteen months, he lost his mother, maria nikolaevna, a woman emotional and strong. tolstoy knew many family stories about my mother. the image of her was fanned for him the lightest feelings. father nikolai ilyich, a retired colonel, was a friend of the decembrists and islenevym koloshin. he had a pride and independence in relations with the authorities. for tolstoy, the father was the epitome of beauty, strength, passionate, love of gambling pleasures of life. from him he inherited a passion for hunting with hounds, the beauty and excitement that many years later tolstoy expressed in the pages of the novel war and peace in the description of harassment wolf hounds old count rostov

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