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Сзаглавной или маленькой буквы написать слово "родина" в предложении "он хотел на свободу, тоска по р(р)одине не покидала его."

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Данное слово пишется с маленькой буквы. 

Сзаглавной.  т.к.  слово родина в этом случае имя собственное.

ingredients for this easy and simple pancake recipe:

  2 cups all-purpose flour

  2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

  3 tablespoons granulated sugar

  1/2 teaspoon salt

  2 large eggs

  1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups milk

  2 tablespoons melted butter


! lets make! some pancakes!


  first we ! will take! a bowl large enough to hold all of our pancake batter and ! fill! it with 1 1/2 cups milk, 2 large eggs and 2 tablespoons melted butter. quickly mix! the milk and eggs together.


  then ! add! all the salt, sugar, ! baking! powder and some flour and ! start! stiring. stir and keep ! adding! the flour until you add all of it. stop ! stiring! as soon as the batter is smooth and without lumps. it ! should be! pretty thick but still liquid enough so you can ! pour! it. if it is to thick ! add! some more milk and ! mix! a little more.


  great, now our batter is ! ready! .


  usually these kind of pancakes are ! made! on a hot greased griddle but we ! can! also ! use! a pan and they ! will turn out! great aswell. take! about 1/4 cup of batter and ! pour! it on the griddle. pancakes ! should be cooked! until they are bubbly, a little ! dry! around the edges, and lightly ! browned! on the bottom. then we ! turn! them around and ! brown! them on the other side.


  this ! easy! and ! simple! pancake recipe will serve four.

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