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Complete the senteces. use the comparative or superlative form of the underlined adjectives. 2 question 1 was easy. question 4 was than question 1, and question 6 was the question of all. 3 last night's match was exciting, but saturday's match was than last night's match, and sunday's match was the ever. 4 yesterday was a bad day for me, but thursday was than yesterday, and friday was the day of my life!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Was easier than question 1 question 6 6 was the easiest question of all. saturday's match was more exciting sunday's match was the most exciting ever thursday was worse than yesterday friday was the worst day of my life

I  was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were підмет(was/were)присудок (1 форма) + ing заперечне речення : підмет  (was/were)  +  not   присудок (1ф) + ing питальне:   (was/were)  підмет  присудок(1ф)  +  ing я  читала  книгу  у  той  момент i  was  reading  the  book  at  that  moment i  was  not  reading  the  book  at  that  moment were  you  reading  the  book  at  that  moment   допоміжні слова at o'clock  at that time from till..o'clock 

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