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Переведите на 1.они живут над нами. 2. они гуляли по улицам. 3. есть ли вино в бутылке? 4. он вошел в комнату вслед за своим отцом. 5. он вскочил (вспрыгнул) на платформу. 6. если у вас есть книги по этому вопросу, то принесите мне их, . 7. если у вас нет словаря, вы можете взять словарь в библиотеке. 8. большой автомобиль стоял поперек дороги. 9. где мой журнал? - он лежит на твоем письменном столе. 10. есть ли книжный магазин на этой улице?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. they live above us . 2. they walked through the streets . 3. is there any wine in the bottle ? 4. he entered the room followed by his father . 5. he jumped ( jumped ) on the platform . 6. if you have books on the subject , bring them to me , please. 7. if you do not have a dictionary , you can take a dictionary in the library. 8. a large car was standing across the road . 9. where is my journal? - he is lying on your desk . 10. is there a bookstore on this street ?

Idon't run very fast he doesn't run very fast we don't often sleep in the garden her sister doesn't leave home early sally doesn't open the window in her room when it is hot mr. bay doesn't often go to the cinema with his son my mammy doesn't swim very well we don't swim well too she always  doesn't make a lot of mistakes  the olympic games don't take place every 5 years

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