24.05.2020 13:05
Есть ответ 👍

Напишите предложения где есть гипотеза , диспозиция ,санкция

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(48 оценок)

При народженні дитини, батьки зобов*язані зареєструвати її в рацсі
4,6(67 оценок)

Номер 1

1. Im going to brush my teeth

2. He is going to repair the car

3. We are going to learn Greek

4. Im going to write some postcards

Номер 2

1. He is not going to help us

2. We are not goint to cook dinner tonight

3. I am not going to celebrate my birthday this year

4. She is not going to stay with Amy

5. We are not going to get up early next Sunday

Номер 3

1.  Is Lucy going to call a taxi?

2. Are you going to sing a song for us?

3. Are you going to cook dinner?

4. Is she going to take a part in the concert?

5. Are they going to leave the house?


Популярно: Право