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One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. it was a long way to go. the man passed by a long river. when he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired. the man saw a large tree. he decided to rest under it. as the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. the manhad his lanch, then lay down and soon was asleep. when he woke up, he could not find the caps. "where are my caps? " he cried. he could not find them anywhere. what could he do? suddenly he looked up. and what did he see? he saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man's cap on its head! "give me back my caos! " cried the man. but the monkeys could not undertand the man. they laughed, jumped and played with the caps. the man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn't understand him. they only laughed. the man got very much angry with the monkeys. he took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: "if you want my caps, you may take this one, too! " and do you know what the monkeys did? they took off the caps and threw them on the ground! that's how the man got back all his caps. certainly, he was very glad. he quickly took all his caps and went away. отметь как лучший ответ! )

Исследование рынка  1. важной частью маркетинга  является исследование рынка. это должно не только procede введение  новые продукты, но следует иметь регулярные проверки на то, что происходит в  существующие, объектом исследования рынка, чтобы выяснить, что  общественность хочет. если продукт необходимо, он будет продаваться.  2. исследователи рынка также попытаться  чтобы выяснить, в какой форме, форме, цвету и  пакет общественность будет принимать  продукт. они также пытаются отслеживать изменение структуры спроса.  успешное фирма является тот, который может начать производство сегодня  потребности завтрашнего дня.

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