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Исправьте ошибки в предложениях 1. a lot of people visit libraries usually 2. an interpreter translate from one language into another 3. i enjoy my life here. i have little friends and we meet quite often 4. when i`m on holiday. i enjoy not to have to get up early 5. george likes to solve mysteries so he is a detective.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. usually, a lot of people visit libraries. 2. an interpreter translates from one language into another. 3. i enjoy my life here. i have many friends and we meet quite often. 4. when i`m on holiday. i enjoy not having to get up early. 5. george likes to solve mysteries as he is a detective.

1.usually a lot if people visut libraries. 2.an interpreter translates from one language into another. i have a lot of friends and we meet quite often. enjoy not having to get up early. 5.george likes to solve mysteries so that makes him a detective.

Уменя есть друг. ему  девять лет. он не ленивый. он умеет бегать и прыгать. у него есть  большая  красная книга. он  умеет  хорошо читать. он не умеет плавать. он живет в лесу. мы  ходим  в школу вместе .это мартин (кролик), посмотри, у него в руках красная книжка, (картинка слева на страничке)

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