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Мою маму зовут наташа . мама не высокого роста . у неё голубые глаза и русые волосы . она работает бухгалтером . моего папу зовут женя. он работает на заводе . папа высокого роста .у него карие глаза и тёмные волосы. ещё у меня много бабушек люда и клава . бабушка люда высокого роста с голубыми глазами и светлыми волосами . а у бабушки клавы карие глаза и тёмные волосы . она не высокого роста . у меня есть сестра , она старше меня на три года . сестра маленького роста . у неё серые глаза и длинные каштановый волосы . она учится на социолога . я люблю проводить с ней время . я люблю свою семью . переведите

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My mother's name is natasha.she is not tall. she has got blue eyes and brown hair. she works as an accountant. my dad's name is zhenya. he works at a factory. dad is tall and he has got brown eyes and brown hair. i have also got grandmothers lyuda and claudia. grandmother luda is tall with blue eyes and blond hair. grandmother claudia has got brown eyes and brown hair. she is not tall. i have got a sister. she is three years older than me. she is short. she has got gray eyes and long brown hair. she is studying sociology. i love spending time with her. i love my family.

My mother's name is natasha. my mum  isn't tall. she has blue eyes and brown hair. she works as an accountant. my father's name is zhenya. he works at a plant. my dad is tall. he has brown eyes and dark hair. i also  have two  grandmothers, lyuda and klava. my grandma, lyuda, is tall, she has blue eyes and fair hair. my grandma, klava has brown eyes and dark hair. she isn't tall. i have a sister. she is three years  older than me. my sister is short. she has grey eyes and long brown hair. she is studying sociology. i like spending time with her. i love my family.

Many Russian board games (chess, checkers, dominos, cards and backgammon) are played in pairs or groups. This is a great way to socialize and have fun.

Backgammon is a game to play at home and it’s one of the oldest board games known in our country. It is a two player game where playing checkers move according to the roll of both dice. The aim of the game is to move all your fifteen checkers into your home board. Backgammon is a combination of strategy and luck.



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