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Переведите текст! текст с переводчика не нужен! lent is the period of forty days before easter. for christmas it's a time to give up something for example to stop eating sweets. then at easter children in britain eat lots of sweet things - especially chocolate easter eggs. lent begins on wednesday and many people eat something special on the day before 'shrove tuesday' in britain they eat pancakes.

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Великий пост это период, который длится в течение 40 дней пред пасхой.    рождество- это время кгда можно перестать употреблять в пищу все продукты мучного происхождения, например конфеты.  затем на пасху дети из великобритании едят большое количество яиц и сладосей-   в  особенности шоколадные яйца.  пост начинается со среды и многие люди едят что -нибудь особенное(специальное) за день до начала масленицы в бришиитании люди едят блины. вот как-то так, если какие-то вопросы напиши)    

My full name is svetlana matveeva, though it sounds rather pompous for a girl of my age. i was born on the 17th of april, 1995, in the village of rublevka, odincovo district, the moscow region. two years ago our family moved to moscow where i live now together with my parents.now i’m a pupil of the tenth form of a secondary school. i am finishing school this year and i want to enter the institute. that is why i have to study twice as hard as an ordinary pupil. i take an active part in social life, attend sport sections and subject clubs.

my favourite subjects are english, mathematics and literature. i have nothing against natural sciences and physics, but somehow they seem of less importance to me. i am always very busy, but when i’m free i’m fond of reading. my favourite writers are alexander duma, leo tolstoy, michail bulgakov. you see, my biography isn’t long. i hope my dream will come true and i’ll become a student. if i fail my exams i’ll be very upset, but next year i’ll try to enter the institute again.

надеюсь сойдёт? !

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