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Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам 1may friends work at the ministry of foreign trade 2i sometimes give peter my exercise-books 3she writes a lot of sentences on the blackboard 4we usually have our english in the evening 5you are going to the blackboard подчеркнутые слова: my friends в первом предложении,во втором: exercise-books,в третьем: on the blackboard,в четвертом: english,в пятом: the blackboard ,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. who works in the ministry of foreign trade? 2. what do i give peter sometimes? 3. where does she write a lot of sentences? 4. what do we usually have in the evening? 5. where are you going to?


1) am going 2) will put 3) will give 4) will you be, get 5) am visiting 6) does the plane take off, takes off


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