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Ядумаю, что компьютер никогда не заменят любимую книгу. во-первых, когда я буду читать на компьютере, то начнут болеть глаза при чтении какого-нибудь рассказа. когда мы читаем книгу, то мы можем почувствовать каждую страницу. книги должны быть у каждого человека на полках. если компьютер сломается, то мы не сможем ничего прочитать. я считаю, что книги нужно держать в руках, когда читаешь.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ithink the computer will never replace my favourite book. first of all, when i  read on the computer my eyes will be hurting. when we read a book we can feel every page. people should have books on their shelves. if a computer breaks down we can't read anything. in my opinion books should been held when you read

1. What is your name? - My name is Frank Smith

2. Where are you from? - I am from London

3. What is your address? - My address is 214 Gorky Street

4. What is your phone number? - My phone number is 235-1940

5. I am a student

6. My father is not a teacher, he is a scientist

7. Is your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she is

8. Are they at home? - No, they are not at home, they are at work

9. My brother is a worker. He is at work

10. Are you an engineer? Yes, I am

11. Is your sister a doctor? - No, she is not a doctor, she is a student

12. Is your brother at school? - Yes, he is

13. How are you? - I am not very well today

14. We are interested in classical music

15. What is the time, please? - It is two o'clock

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