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Ex. 1. где нужно вставьте глагол is или are: 1)there a toilet and a bathroom in our flat. 2)how many beds there in the bedroom. 3)what there on the table? 4)there no coffee table in the room. there a carpet on the floor? ex. 2. востановите порядок слов в предложении: 1)on,is,there,computer,a,the,the,table. 2)room,living,the,there,a,is,in,no,tv. 3)is,your,room,what,in,there? 4)is,flat,in,kitchen,a,there,your?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1)there is a toilet and a bathroom in our flat.

2)how many beds are there in the bedroom.

3)what is there on the table?

4)there is no coffee table in the room.

5)is there a carpet on the floor?


1)there is the computer on the table.

2)there is no tv  in the living room.

3)what is there in your room?

4)is there a kitchen in your flat?





Now i am at school. my holiday is over. сейчас я в школе. мои каникулы закончились. i spent my holiday very well. i went  out with my friends, read, listened to music, watched tv, played computer games. я провела каникулы хорошо. я гуляла с друзьями, читала, слушала музыку, смотрела телевизор, играла комп. игры.   i spent some weeks in a summer cottage with my grandparents. i helped my grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables. несколько недель я провела в деревне у бабушки. я капать огород, поливать растения, собирать овощи и фрукты.   also i was fishing with my grandpa. i enjoyed floating by boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. также я ходила на с дедушкой. мне понравилось плавать на лодке, плавать в реке и моим родным.   some days i was in the crimea. it was a great time. i swimmed, walked by seaside, and visited many sights. несколько дней я была в крыму. было классно. я плавала, гуляла по побережью и посела достопримечательности. during my summer holidays i made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things. now i feel ready to get back to school. i am happy to meet my friends and teachers. во время каникул у меня появилось много новых друзей, я прочитала много интересных книг, узнала много интересных вещей. сейчас я готова к учебе. я рада видеть своих друзей и учителей.

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