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Стихотворкние про казахстан на языке

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Казахстан – земля родная любим мы тебя. море, горы, даль степная-  это родина моя! как велика моя земля, как широки ее просторы- озера, реки и поля, леса, и степь, и горы. жура-жура-журавель! облетал он сто земель. облетал, обходил, крылья, ноги натрудил. мы спросили журавля: - где же лучшая земля? - отвечал он, пролетая: - лучше нет родного края! -перевод: kazakhstan - the native landvery we love you.the sea, the mountains, the distance stepnaya-this is my motherland! how great is my land,how wide it prostory-lakes, rivers and fields,forest and steppe and mountains. jura-jura-zhuravel! he flew a hundred lands.flew, crawling,the wings, the legs become tired out.we asked crane: - where is the best land? -he answered, flying: - better no native land! -

My opinion is that it's not helpful for secondary school if they have to study a range of different subjects, that they don't need  for them in the future. Because they go to school learn good and useful things to learn. I don't think it is good for their lives. They don't have to be there an spend their time for useless things. We get smarter when we go to school, we lead to good destination because of our knowledge we took at school. When we learn useful things, we will be able to use in them in the future for our self's  and the people around us. At school I love English, math and biology. I think they are one of the subjects we need in life. Well that is my opinion. I want that school teaches good and productive things for student. I also want that students will learn what school has thought them.  


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