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Определите в предложениях время, форму и залог. напишите по 5 вопросов к данным предложениям: 1) общий; 2) альтернативный; 3) разделительный; 4) специальный; 5) вопрос к подлежащему. they always provide a good service. these chinese officials were recently sacked for corruption. the managing director is making a speech at the opening ceremony now. these goods are usually packed into boxes. the government limited private enterprise to a small area in the economy.

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В1 3 10 презонт остольние симпол

1.this group will go (fut simp) to the theatre next month. 2. he came (past simp) home later than usual yesterday. 3. next monday we 'll be working (fut cont) only five hours. 4. the staff of the laboratory is finishing (pres cont) the work on the apparatus. 5. we shall have finished (fur perf) the work tomorrow by 5 o'clock. 6. he has received (pres perf) a letter.

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