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Написать о человеке которого хорошо знаешь на языке!

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величайший поэт и писатель, родоначальник новой , создатель языка. окончил царскосельский (александровский) лицей (1817). был близок к декабристам. в 1820 году под видом служебного перемещения был сослан на юг (екатеринослав, кавказ, крым, кишинев, одесса). в 1824 году уволен со службы и выслан в село михайловское под полицейский надзор до 1826 года. скончался от раны, полученной на дуэли.                                                                                                              

  the greatest russian poet and writer, the founder of the new russian literature, the creator of the russian literary language. he graduated from the tsarskoselsky (alexandrovsky) lyceum (1817). was close to the decembrists. in 1820 under the guise of official move was exiled to the south (ekaterinoslav, the caucasus, crimea, chisinau, odessa). in 1824 dismissed from service and exiled to the village of mikhailovskoye under police surveillance until 1826. died of wounds received in a duel

My ideal town would have a lot of green areas, beautiful parks and avenues. the public transport would be free for everyone, not only for students and pensioners. in every region of the city, there would be enough schools and houses. the areas would be cleaned every day in front of schools and houses, so that town would look clean. there would be a large shopping centre in every region, so people would have a place where they could shop. there would also be a lot of play grounds for children. for youngsters, there would be skate parks. there would often be performances by famous singers in the centre of town. people would be friendly and kind to each other. there would be a lot of flowers and trees growing around. 

Популярно: Английский язык