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Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1.can you speak english? 2.how can you speak english? 3.what can you see on the walls of the room? 4.how do we call the people who live in great britain? 5.what language do the people who live in great britain speak?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) yes, i can 2) i speak english very well 3) i can  see pictures 

1. yes, i can 2. i can speak english very well  3. we can see:   paintings, photos, posters, drawings.4. we call they britain5. people who live in great britain speak on  english and  scottish

Put prepositions (from, to, on, with, by)

1)She doesn't rely on other people.

2)My friend works hard to become cleverer.

3) He is very ambitious and succeeds by his own efforts alone.

4) This girl shares everything she has with other people

5) He lives separately from his family

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