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participation of the ussr in the space race led to the creation of the ship that the east was selected range are not optimal, but simple and quick remedies. [24] some of the components do not have time to create a time, as a result had to abandon the system at the start of the emergency rescue system and soft landing craft. in addition, the design of the ship under construction vostok 1 was removed duplicate brake installation. the latest decision was based on the fact that if you run the ship into low orbit of 180-200 km long, it is in any event within 10 days it would have gone through natural deceleration of the upper atmosphere and would return to earth. for the same 10 days calculated and life support systems.

Yuri gagarin - юрий гагарин   во времена советского союза исследование космоса было одной из важнейших . и именно из была отправлена ракета, совершившая первый полет в космос. произошло это 12 апреля 1961 года. этот день стал важной частью . космонавтом на борту был летчик юрий алексеевич гагарин. давайте узнаем кое-что о жизни этой поистине героической личности. during the times of the soviet union, space exploration was one of the main priorities. and a rocket undertaking the first flight into space departed from the ussr. that happened on the 12th of april, 1961. this day became an important part of history. the cosmonaut on board was pilot yuri alekseevich gagarin. let’s find out something about the life of this truly heroic person.

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