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General understanding: 1) what was the original name of london? why was it so important for romans? 2) who was king alfred the great? when did he en¬ter the city? 3) what is still the reminder of william the con¬queror? 4) how was britain governed in 12th-14th centuries? 5) how did plague influence the history of london? 6) who was in charge of the reconstruction of the city? why did it need reconstruction? 7) why did the population of london grow in the 19th century? 8) how did the first world war affect the history of london? what about the wwii? 9) how did london change after the wwii? 10) what are the names of skyscraper buildings in lon¬don?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Общее  понимание: 1) какое  было первоначальное название лондона? почему это так важно для римлян? 2) кем был король альфред великий? когда он вошел/возглавил  в  город? 3) где еще встречается упоминание об  уильяма-завоевателе? 4) какое было     12-14 века? 5) как чума повлияла  на лондона? 6) кто был ответственным за реконструкцию города? почему необходима была  реконструкция? 7) почему население лондона выросло в 19 веке? 8) как первая мировая война влияла на лондона? что о второй мировой войне? 9) какие в  лондоне изменения после второй мировой войны? 10) какие названия небоскребов-зданий в лондоне вы знаете?

1. my uncle said he had just come back from the caucasus.

2. he said he had spent a fortnight in the caucasus.

3. he said it had done him a lot of good.

4. he said he felt better then.

5. he said his wife and he had spent most of their time on the beach.

6. he said they had done a lot of sightseeing.

7. he said he had a good camera.

8. he said he had taken a lot of colour photographs while travelling in the caucasus.

9. he said he would come to see us the next sunday.

10. he said he would bring and show us the photographs he had taken during his stay in the caucasus.

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