Есть ответ 👍

Заполните пропуски местоимениями в нужной форме. a.1. this is my house. do you like … ? 2. sam is very nice. do you know … ? 3. those are your letters. take … . 4. he doesn’t like animals. he is afraid of … . 5. sally never drinks coffee. she hates … . 6. he is so handsome! look at … . 7. i don’t need this magazine. you can have … . 8. where are my shoes? i can’t find … . 9. margaret is talking to you. listen to … . 10. what surprising news! have you heard … . 11. i often eat fish. i love … ! 12. tim always thinks about mary. he loves … . 13. i’ll be back in a minute. wait for … , please. 14. your parents were so kind to you. thank … . 15. we are going to the party. please join … . b. 1. this is my watch. … bought … yesterday. 2. she didn’t come. what happened to … ? 3. what’s the matter with … ? you look bad. 3. do you have a new dress? show … to … ! 5. i’d like to have some biscuits. can you pass … to … ? 6. he needs the money. give … to … , please. 7. sarah’s doctor is so kind! … did so much for … ! 8. we are very worried about you. tell … what is happening. 9. who are these people? nobody knows … . 10. mum and i have good neighbours. i like to talk to … . 11. sue seldom visits her parents. … often phones … . 12. i don’t know tina’s telephone number. could you write … for … ? 13. the scissors are very sharp. be careful with … . 14. jack loves sue. he offered … to marry … .

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Ответы на вопрос:

A.   1 it   2   him   3 them   4 them   5 it   6 him   7 it   8 them   9  her   10 it   11  it         12   her   13 me   14 them   15 us b. 1   2 her   3 you   4   5   6 it   7   8 us       9 them   10 them   11 she them   12 it me   13 them   14 her him. 


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