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Напишите письмо your school organised a world food day, so that students could taste different dishes from around the world. all the dishes were prepared by students in your class. write a letter to your english friend.your school organised a world food day, so that students could taste different dishes from around the world. all the dishes were prepared by students in your class. write a letter to your english friend. includea short description of the event and what happened detalis of what dishes other students prepared and what you prepared a description of the best dish you tasted and why you liked ityour opinions and feelings about the event

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Hello dear friend, you might have heard about a thing called "world food day" well, we celebrated it by making dishes of different foods from around the world. i made an english breakfast   with scones and british tea. i felt ablosutely fabulous about trying out different foods and they really were amazing! my favourite dish was the indian lunch because it was nice and spicy and gave me a sudden burst of enjoyment because i felt like i was on a holiday. other pupils prepared dishes from america, russia and china. in addition to all that goodness, someone brought lebanese food which i thoughly enjoyed because of the lamb cumes and ketchup. it really was an amazing day!

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