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Что значит via? не могу перевести.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1/ сквозь/   через /по средством/с



i was ever so glad to hear, via you mother, of you.  я был так рад узнать хоть что-нибудь о тебе от твоей мамы.(через маму, по средством мамы)


any deal would have to be concluded via contracts  — любую сделку нужно было организовывать при контрактов 

Мне кажется что это значить слово через))


1) your mother is in the kitchen. she has been cooking all morning.2) we never saw a pheasant.3) you have been learning english for four years! 4) i knew victor since i came to st. petersburg.5) have you seen tanya this week? when will you see her? 6) rose has been waiting for her friend for an hour already. has she come yet? 7) we always wanted to have a small house in the country.8) my elder brother always loved animals. he has a lot of pets at home.9) how long have the children been sleeping? 10) what were you doing all afternoon? 11) i had  this watch since my birthday.

Популярно: Английский язык