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Вставьте пропущенные слова : : : : around,journey,tourists,busy,south,important,country в текст: my friend has just returned from spain.he went there by train.he stayed at his friend"s place not far from madrid.madrid ia the capital of is beautiful city.my friend went to a sightseeing country.he visited a lot of interesting places in the spain.the weather was sunny and there were many the seaside.spain is a centre in summer.my friend much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

my friend has just returned from spain.he went there by train.he stayed at his friends place not far from madrid.madrid is the capital of the  country.  it is an important  and beautiful city.my friend went to a sightseeing tour around    the   country.he visited a lot of interesting places in the south  of spain.the weather was sunny and there were many tourists  at the seaside.spain is a very   busy  tourist centre in summer.my friend enjoyed journey  very much.

1) a how many , т.к. :

how many используется с исчисляемыми существитальными.



Present continuous: am/is/are + ing.

Т.к. там he , то используется is.

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