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Вот предложения на , их надо написать на : 1. все животные из красной книги являются вымирающими. (или исчезающим видом) 2. многие люди ведут борьбу против жестокости над животными. 3. люди на улицах выступают с лозунгами "мир во всем мире". 4. по всему миру есть много разных заповедников. 5. вступить в местный футбольный клуб не так то просто. 6. в мире есть более 400 разновидностей насекомых. 7. во многих странах ведется борьба с нападением акул на человека. заранее огромное при огромное !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) all animals from the red book are endangered. 2) many people are fighting against cruelty to animals. 3) people on the streets come out with the slogan "world peace." 4) around the world there are many different parks. 5) join a local football club is not so easy. 6) in the world there are more than 400 species of insects. 7) in many countries, there is a struggle to shark attacks on humans

1)  all animals from the red book are endangered. 2)  many people are fighting against cruelty to animals. 3)  people on the streets come out with the slogan "world peace." 4)  around the world there are many different parks. 5)  join a local football club is not so easy. 6)  in the world there are more than 400 species of insects. 7)  in many countries, there is a struggle to shark attacks on humans.

aza, i beg you, open your eyes! when he came to, my dear! do you hear me? ase, can you hear me? -patting my cheeks, shouted nino. i lost consciousness. it became difficult to breathe. his vision swam a couple of seconds, and the darkness. i do not know how much time passed. but opening his eyes, i knew, everything that happened to me is not a dream. immediately wanted to close them again. and never, never to open them again.my name is asa. as of today i'm 23. i was born and raised in south ossetia, graduated from high school, and how many go to college. i studied well, all in time. i chose the right direction, and my studies brought me great pleasure. i am sociable and cheerful girl and her friends were i had a lot. it was it was. as to the family, we are the parents three daughters and two sons. big happy family was. parents have the best of strong, they tried to give a good upbringing and education. they succeeded. but after the incident, and all say they do not understand whose blood i am. my two sisters are married, for ossetians. and the eldest brother is married. everyone was always dignified, respect us, we were treated well. my brothers were proud of us sisters. protected us much patronized. but the family apparently did not black sheep as many have said. and it came to me of course. it is hard to remember all of this ((so much pain and hurt. at all. and on herself.

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