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Напишите на языке: дни недели,месяцы

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Январь-january февраль-fabruary март-march апрель-april май-may июнь-june июль-juli август-augoust сентябрь-september октябрь-october ноябрь-november декабрь-december понедельник-monday вторник-tuesday среда-wednesday четверг-thursday пятница-friday суббота- saturday воскресенье-sunday
4,8(52 оценок)

Дни недели (неделя) - week месяц - month

1)the dinner table is not as low as the coffee table.(high/low).the dinner table is higher than  coffee table. the coffee table lower than the dinner table. 2)  a collie dog is not as weak as poodle.(strong/weak).  a collie dog is stronger than  poodle.   a poodle dog is weaker than collie. 3)  autumn is not as dry as summer.(dry/rainy).autumn is rainier than  summer. summer is drier than autumn. 4)  a park is not as big as a forest.(big/small).a park is smaller than  a forest. a forest is bigger than  a park. 5)  my sister is not as old as my brother.(old/young).my sister is younger than  my brother. my brother is older than my sister. 6)  the cinema is not as old as the theatre.(old/new)the cinema is newer than  the theatre. the theatre is older than  the cinema. 7)the coffee is not as hot as the tea.(hot/cold). the coffee is colder than    the tea. the tea is hotter as the coffee.

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