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Прошу ! вопросы: 1)какой человек вам сейчас ближе всех? 2)какой самый лучший момент в вашей жизни? 3)самый серьёзный выбор в вашей жизни? 4)кем вы хотели стать в детстве? 5)что вы планируете на будущее? 6)что для вас роль в фильме "**"? 7) мечтаете ли вы о детях? 8)скучаете ли вы по сериалу "**"? 9)ваши поклонники ждут вашего возвращения в этот сериал, что вы думаете по этому поводу? ответы: 1)мой мужчина конечно. 2)думаю это момент, когда меня признали хорошей актрисой. 3)думаю он мне только предстоит. 4)дизайнером ювелирных украшений. 5)сниматься в фильмах которые бы стали популярными. 6)это несомненно бесценный опыт. 7)о да, конечно, как и все женщины 8)конечно за многие годы, что я провела с коллегами по сериалу и моя роль стали для меня безумно родными, я скучаю, но нужно двигаться дальше. 9)я не буду давать призрачных надежд всё уже решено, я надеюсь они не перестанут любить меня и будут смотреть и другие картины с моим участием.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. who is your closest person now? 2. which moment of your life is the best? 3. what is the hardest choice you had to make in your life? 4. who did you want to become in your childhood? 5. what are your plans for the future? 6. what is the role in the film for you? 7. are you dreaming about children? 8. do you miss the series? 9. your admirers are waiting for your return to the series. what do you think about this? answers: 1. it's my man for sure. 2. i think it's the moment when i was accepted as a good actress. 3. i believe it's in store yet. 4. a jewerly designer. 5. to take part in films which will become popular. 6. undoubtedly, it is a priceless experience. 7. of course, i am. like all other women. 8. sure, over long years i spent with my colleagues in series, they and my role have become nearest and dearest, i miss them. but i have to move forward. 9. i won't give a phantasm of a hope, everything has been decided already. i hope they won't stop loving me and will be  watching other films with me.

1) what kind of person you are now the closest? 2) what's the best moment in your life? 3) the most serious choice in your life? 4) what did you want to become a child? 5) what do you plan for the future? 6) what is your role in the film "**"? 7) are you dreaming about the children? 8) do you miss the tv series "**"? 9) your fans are waiting for your return in this episode, what do you think about this? answers: 1) my man of course. 2) i think this is the moment when i recognized a good actress. 3) i think he told me just to be. 4) designer jewelry. 5) to act in films that have become very popular. 6) this is certainly an invaluable experience. 7) oh, yes, of course, like all women 8) course over many years that i have spent with colleagues on the series and my role became my family crazy, i miss you, but we need to move on. 9) i will not give a ghostly hope everything is already decided, i hope they do not cease to love me and will watch and other pictures with my participation

1) white - right 2) rough - cloth 3) raw - saw 4) so - no 5) cheap - deep 6) sail - nail 7) half - path 8) aunt - caunt 9) thought - nought 10) sun - fun 11) eat - seat 12) own - grown 13) home - rome 14) bean - seen 15) new - few 16) backs - cracks 17) seem - team 18) penny - nanny 19) learn - turn 20) hour - power 21) wear - swear 22)crowd - loud 23) noise - voise

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