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Перевод+ транскрипция all over the wold beasuccess be lucky fall asleep go on rides natural wold school events school year wildlife park

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Ответы на вопрос:

Весь мир       алл овер зе уорлд быть успешным   би а саксесфул быть счастливым       би лаки быстро заснуть   фал аслип идти на прогулку     гоу он райдес природный мир     натрл уорлд школьные события     скул эвентс школьный год       скул ер парк дикой природы     уилдлайф парк  

Igo to the cinema with my friends from school. (pr.simple) where do you go with your friends? when do you go there ? what do want to watch ? i want to see all my relatives at home (pr.simple) what do you want ? where do you want to see them ? why do you want to see? she did not do homework because she was so lazy (past simple) did she do her homework ? was she lazy ? why did she not do homework?   they promised me to help but they were not here (past simple) i am writing a letter to my mum (pr.cont) what are you writing? wy what did they promise? did they help me? where were they ? we will go for a walk around the park (future simp.) what will they do ? where will they go for a walk ? will it be interesting ? he will participate in international championship and become a winner (future simple) where will he participate ? will he become a winner ? will he try to win ? i am writing a letter to my mum for congratulating her (pr.cont) what are you writing ? what are going to write for mum ? why are writing ? you are taking my book because you need it (pr.cont) what are you taking? what do you need ? is this book interesting ?

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