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Fill in the gaps with verbs in the proper progressive form . i. listen! the birds (sing) 2. we (drive) to the mountains this time next saturday. 3. they (have) a picnic, when the rain started 4, i (read) a book last evening when i heard the fireworks. 5. shhhh! be quiet! my little sister (sleep) 6. they (not / do) their homework this afternoon: tomorrow's the weekend. 7. by this time tomorrow l (swim) ..in the central pool. 8. mark and i (play) a computer game now. 9. i saw them. they (wait) in front of the shop.

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1. are singing 2. will be driving 3. were having 4. was reading 5. is sleeping 6. won't be doing 7. will be swimming 8. are playing 9. were waiting

Many people think that it is enough to know one language, but scientists think it is too little. the world is constantly changing, borders between countries and states is opening, and each of us can visit any country we like. this is one of the arguments in favour of studying foreign languages. in addition, the study of languages develops your attention and memory, broadens your mind, and you feel more educated. многие люди думают, что достаточно знать один язык, но ученые думают,  что это катастрофически мало. мир постоянно меняется, открываются границы между странами и государствами, и каждый из нас может побывать в любой стране, которая вам нравится. это один из аргументов, говорящих в пользу изучения иностранных языков. кроме этого, изучение языков развивает внимание и память, расширяет кругозор, и вы чувствуете себя более образованным.

Популярно: Английский язык