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Ilive in a small flat with my parents and a sister.my father is a teacher.he doesn't earn much.my mother is a housewife.she can't find a job.i have a granny who looks after us. my sister and i go to ordinary school.we usually get there by bus .at school we wear uniform.at home we have a small car "blacky ".my life is boring.

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Яживу в маленькой квартирке с моими родителями и сестрой.мой отец учитель.он не зарабатывает много.моя мать-домохозяйка.она не может найти работу.у меня есть бабушка, кто заботится о нас. моя сестра и я хожу в обычную школу.мы обычно туда добраться на автобусе .в школе мы носим униформу.дома у нас есть маленький автомобиль "черныш ".моя жизнь скучна.

my father is beautiful pictures cara is dancing every week. my friend are good pop videos we are our school friends in town. my grandparents are old stamps, books and photos do anna and erin are cakes at home? do you is in bed late at the weekend? how often does your sister is online?

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