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Перевести на , употребляя глаголы в present simle. мой дядя -инженер. он занят. его рабочий день начинается рано утром. он встает в семь часов. он умывается, одевается и завтракает. после завтрака он идет на работу. он работает в институте. он любит свою работу. он женат. его жена -врач.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My uncle is an engineer. he is very busy. his working days starts early in the morning. he gets up at 7 o'clock. he washes up, dresses up and has breakfast. after breakfast he goes to work. he works at the institute. he likes his job. he is married. his wife is a doctor.

My uncle is an engineer. he is very busy. his work day starts early in the morning. he gets up at seven o'clock. he washes, dresses and has breakfast. after breakfast, he goes to work. he works at the institute. he loves his job. he is married. his wife is a doctor. she works in a hospital. in the evening, she is studying french. she attends the french language. my uncle does not speak french. he spoke in russian and german. he is studying english. in the evening, he attended english language courses. the son of my uncle, i student. he goes to school. at school, he is studying english.

John is visiting his parents this weekend. 2. be quiet! babies are sleeping 3. water doesn't boil at 80 degrees 4. the next bus arrives at 6: 30 5. when do lessons begin? 6. she doesn't like flying by plane 7. i don't think that he is at home 8. he is always losing my keys 9. i'm worried. my exams start in 20 minutes 10. i don't think that it's a good idea 11. he is practicing a lot the other day

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