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The taj mahal is in agra,india. it is one of the eight wonders of the modem world. the palace is made of white marble and precious stones. in the sunshine,the marble shines with different colours, like pink,yellow and grey. there is a main dome in the centre that looks like a large pearl and there are four minarets at each comer. inside, there are two floors each with eight rooms. outside,there is a very beautiful garden with four pools. the taj mahal is a fantastic building.

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Тадж-махал находится в городе агре, индия. это одно из восьми чудес современного мира. дворец построен из белого мрамора и драгоценных камней. при свете солнца мрамор сверкает разными цветами: розовым, жёлтым и серым. в  центре - главный купол, который похож на огромную жемчужину, а в каждом углу -  четыре минарета. внутри - два этажа, на каждом из которых находится по 8 комнат. снаружи - великолепный сад с четырьмя бассейнами. тадж-махал - фантастическое здание.

1. our countryissuccessfully developing international business reletions.(present continuous active)

2. she was smilingand holding (past continuous active) a flower in her hand when the reporter pressed (past simple active) the button of his camera.

3. the students have learned (present perfect active)  many new words this year.

4. by the end of the term we shall have read( future perfect active)two english books


1. i can't  ( возможность) hear what you say. speak louder, please.

2. you may (разрешение) open the window if you want.

3. the president is to  (должествование)make a statement tomorrow.

4. you should(  должествование- следует прочесть- не обязанность! ) read this book, it's worth reading.

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