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Iраскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в форме страдательного залога простого настоящего времени. 1.the goods (to sell) at a high price. 2.english (to teach) at schools and universities. 3.the method (to use) in processing milk. 4.goods for consumers (to provide) by industry and agriculture. 5.workers (to employ) by firms. 6.medicine (not/to study) by school students but economics (to study) at school. 7.i (to ask) to help my grandmother in the garden. 8.we (not/to teach) music at university.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1are sold 2is taught 3is used 4are provided 5are employed 6isn't studied.is studied 7was asked 8aren't taught

1a 2c  3a 4b 5c 6b 7c 8a 9b 10a

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