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Янеправильно поставил вопрос, проверить правильно ли я составил предложение о том что я делаю утром, мое предложение такое: i usuaally in morning get up and do setting-up exercises, clean teeth and wash face, dress clothes and go to school.

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i usually get up in the morning and do my morning exercises, clean my teeth and wash my fase and hands , dress my clothes and go to school

i usually get up in the morning and do some setting-up exercises. after that i brush my teeth and wash my face. then i put on my clothes and go to school.


postavj kak luchee=)

My vision of ideal planet is like a fantasy. but one thing i want for sure is no wars. i imagine space buses and air racing cars, speedy trains and portals, like in the game i used to play. sometimes i dream about long highways in the sky, sometimes i dream about buildings that are soaring in the air. but to be more realistic - i want to solve the problem with pollution, with killing rare animals and birds, not spreading toxic wastes everywhere. i want everybody to have home and dinner, less diseases, good education and medical help.

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