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Вставьте слова из вариантов . next summer i (1) we will go to the caribbean. i can"t (2) to go shopping,(3) i want to buy a lot of summer (4) i wfnt to swim a lot. we will spend two weeks there and then we will come back and (5) our relatives. they live in scotland. i think we have a good (6) (1) a. learn b. hope (2) a. wait b. enjoy (3) a. because b. but (4) a. letters b. clothes (5) a. bring b. visit (6) a. time b. holidays

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. hope 2. wait 3. because 4. clothes 5. visit 6. time

The teacher (told) them to stop working and he (collected) their answer papers.

желаю получить пятёрку))

можно отметить как лучший ответ буду очень благодарна))))

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