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Образуйте наречия из данных в скобках прилагательных. the ballerina moved around very (graceful). david (easy) won the first race. i don't know (exact) how much money he makes. i (honest) don't know what john told his sister. the singer of the band sang very (bad) during the concert. my friend tom always speaks very (loud). you speak english very (good). these days i am so busy at work that i (rare) have time to go out. sometimes i like to spend the day just lying in bed (lazy). the police officer made sure that she got home (safe).

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Ответы на вопрос:

Gracefully easily exactly honestly badly loudly well rarely lazily safely

Унего была голова без волос или оно не имело волос на голове или оно было лысым

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