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Переводить текст )) australia is a multicultural country. people from about 200 countries have made australia their homeland. the aborigines are the australian natives who had lived here long before the first europeans came to australia. most of the population of australia lives in the south-eastern part of the country. canberra is the capital of australia, but it's not the largest city in the country. likewise washington it is the seat of the government. sydney and melbourne are much larger. these one can enjoy all the best in food, fashion, the arts , theatre and sports. canberra is famous for the national gallery, the national science and technology centre, the old parliament house and the new parliament house, which was opened in 1988.

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Австралия является многонациональной страной. люди из около 200 стран сделали австралию своей родиной. аборигены являются австралийские аборигены, которые жили здесь задолго до того, как первые европейцы прибыли в австралию. большая часть населения австралии живет в юго-восточной части страны. канберра является столицей австралии, но это не самый большой город в стране. точно так же вашингтон- это резиденция правительства. сидней и мельбурн намного больше. там можно насладиться всем лучшим в еде, моде, искусстве, театре и спорте. канберра славится национальной галереей ,национальным научно-техническим центром, старам зданием парламента и новым зданием парламента, который был открыт в 1988 году.

1. She told him to shut the door

2. He said that he was going home that day

3. He asked me who had cleaned the pool

4. He wanted to know which picture was the most famous one

5. She said that she had been biking the day before

6. He was told to filled in the form

7. She said that she was doing her homework.

8. They asked me if Paul lost the match

9. He told her not to call him before 7 o'clock

10. Mother said to me that she would buy that book for me

11. Cathy asked me if the movie was boring or interesting

12. She said to him that she had invited him for her party

13. Sam asked her if she had got 20 pounds

14. Susan said that she liked classical music

15. She asked me where I had met her?

16. He told me that they had been dancing all the time

17. Mum asked me if I had seen her glasses

18. They wanted to know when was my birthday

19. Marilyn said that she always ate cornflakes in the morning

20. He told her to give up smoking

21. Ann asked Kate if she had really written that story

22. Tim asked who had taken his ruler

23. Bill said that he would take the car because he was late

24. He told them not to tell him such nonsense

25. Debby told me that she would meet him at the station the following morning

26. The mother asked him why his clothes were so dirty

27. He asked her if she had sold her car


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