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Попробуй предсказать когда в твоей жизни произойдут эти события? образец; i think i will play in two hours. play computer games wash your hair, buy a car get a good mark in mathematics get a good mark in english get a bad mark in russian make five mistakes in a test make one mistakes in a test make a cake find a job fly to london malk the dog clean your room

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ithink i will play computer games tomorrow afternoon. i think i will wash my hair on wednesday. i think i will buy a car in 10 years. i think i will get a good mark in mathematics on tuesday. i think i will get a good mark in english in the next lesson. i think i will get a bad mark in russian during the next dictation. i think i will make five mistakes in a test next week. i think i will make one mistake in a test next moth. i think i will make a cake for my birthday in december. i think i will find a job soon. i think i will fly to london in spring. i think i will walk the dog in the evening. i think i will clean my room on saturday.

Recently be a strong anthropogenic impact on surface water bodies. this and various discharges of industrial and domestic water, and noise pollution, and disturbance of the ponds by mechanical mixing of layers of water, as well as a violation of the thermal regime. all these factors lead to various changes in aquatic ecosystems, which affects the general state of nature and on human society. there are many chemical and physical methods for the determination of water quality, using special devices. the method of determining the purity of water by dwelling therein in the aquatic fairly affordable.

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