21.05.2023 05:01
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Які відомості містяться в паспорті батьків та твоему свідоцтві про народження?

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,8(77 оценок)

Ф.и.о , дата и место рождения, официальные опекуны.
4,4(36 оценок)

1. True

Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families.

2. False

But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends.

3. False

Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don’t buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop to shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don’t like shops, they prefer playing sports games like football, basketball and volleyball at sports grounds

4. True

But all children go to big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.

5. True

At weekends parents don’t work and they want to be with their children.

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