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Переведите на это имя носит неоднозначный характер, имеет не один смысл и обладает несколькими версиями его происхождения. «любимая, приятная» – один из вариантов значения имени марьям, так же оно может рассматриваться как «горький». этим именем была наделена мыть пророка исы. но, как бы то ни было, девочка марьям – открытый и доброжелательный ребенок. однако дружить с ней непросто, она достаточно прямолинейна, чтобы в открытую говорить о недостатках других. способности к обучению неплохие, больше марьям подходят гуманитарные науки. может уметь неплохо рисовать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

That name is ambiguous, has not one meaning and has several versions of its origin. "my favorite, nice" - one of the following values ​​of the name of mary, as it can be regarded as "bitter." this name was given to wash the prophet isa. but be that as it may, the girl mariam - open and friendly child. however, it is not easy to be friends with, it is fairly straightforward to openly talk about the shortcomings of others. good ability to learn more maryam fit humanities. it may be nice to be able to draw.

2. the books should be brought tomorrow by us. 3. the clock is being repaired by them right now. 4. the milk is sold   in this shop by them. 5. the whole text has been translated by me. 6. the window was broken by them last week. 7. the sweets had been eaten by them, when i came home. 8. the work should be don in the evening by us. 9. this book was written in the 19th century by him. 10. - невозможно построить 11. a lot of money from the shop was stolen by him. 12. the work had been finished by them by 6 o`clock. 13.the truck were being loaded by them at 12 o`clock.

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