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Перевести на язык только не с kazakhstan education. in kazakhstan education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. there are different types of secondary schools in the country. most of them are state school where education is free. but some parents want their children to attend private schools which aren't free. in kazakhstan school year begins on the 1st of september. this day children and their parents celebrate the day of knowledge. children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates after summer holidays. they bring flowers for their teachers. kazakhstan children have lessons 5 or 6 days a week. in some schools they have to wear uniform. in others they are allowed to wear what they want. the discipline isn't very strict. but if a pupil behaves badly the teachers can punish the child. of course,the punishment isn't severe. the teachers want their pupils to stay out of trouble and always do their best.

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Образование в казахстане в казахстане обучение является обязательным для детей с 6-7 до 15 лет. в стране существуют различные общеобразовательные школы. большинство из них государственные, и обучение в них бесплатное. но некоторые родители хотят, чтобы их дети посещали частные школы, обучение в которых является платным. учебный год начинается в казахстане 1 сентября. в этот день дети и их родители отмечают день знаний. дети с удовольствием идут в школу, чтобы встретиться там со своими учителями. казахские дети учатся 5-6 дней в неделю. в некоторых школах необходимо носить школьную форму. в других - разрешается ходить в свободной форме. дисциплина не строгая. но если ученик плохо себя ведёт, учитель имеет право его наказать. конечно, наказание не будет жёстким. учителя хотят, чтобы их ученики не испытывали проблем и прилагали старания.

Nastya and i met in the 1st grade of primary school. she is a very good friend.she has been dancing and loves to take care of indoor plants. she is very intelligent and a good student. she's always fun.her gray eyes are always lively and sincere. she is not very tall. medium length hair. always well-laid or braided in a ponytail. she is very kind and understanding. he likes to listen to rock. she wears casual clothes or form if we are going to school. i really like talking to her. nastya with good character, and we still have never quarreled.

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