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Вставьте недостающие артикли: 1. i wrote to her but letter never arrived. 2. britain is island. 3. what is name of this village? 4. jane is very nice person. you must meet her. 5. montreal is large city in canada. 6. what is largest city in canada? 7. "what time is it? " "i don't know. i haven't got watch." 8. when i went to rome, i stayed with italian friend of mine. 9. you look very tired. you need holiday. 10. don't sit on floor. it's very dirty. 11. "let's go to restaurant this evening." "that's good idea. which restaurant shall we go? " 12. can you turn on radio, please? i want to listen to some music. 13. tom is in bathroom. he's having bath. 14. this is nice room, but i don't like colour of carpet. 15. we live in old house near station. it's two miles from cen

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i wrote to her but the letter never arrived.   2. britain is an island.   3. what is the name of this village?   4. jane is a very nice person. you must meet her.   5. montreal is a large city in canada.   6. what is the largest city in canada?   7. "what time is it? " "i don't know. i haven't got a watch."   8. when i went to rome, i stayed with an italian friend of mine.   9. you look very tired. you need a holiday.   10. don't sit on the floor. it's very dirty.   11. "let's go to a restaurant this evening." "that's a good idea. which restaurant shall we go? "   12. can you turn on the radio, please? i want to listen to some music.   13. tom is in the bathroom. he's having a bath.   14. this is a nice room, but i don't like the colour of the carpet.   15. we live in an old house near the station. it's two miles from the center

На юге тихого океана есть много островов. они являются тропическими островами. весь год там теплая погода. деревья на острове, который на картинке, это кокосовые пальмы. они полезные потому, что растут в песочных и соленых землях возле морского побережья, где не могут расти другие виды деревьев. кокосовые пальмы пищу. островитяне могут засушивать орехи и продавать их, чтобы заработать. еще они могут использовать стволы деревьев для строительства и листья, для того, чтобы сделать крыши для домов.   на островах не бывает холодной погоды, поэтому их  жителям не нужны дома с толстыми стенами. дом открыт со всех сторон. в нем каменный пол и крыша из пальмовых листьев. на полу есть циновки. островитяне делают их из высушенных листьев.

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