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Ihave two dogs. they are spot and bingo. spot is brown and bingo is red. spot is three and bingo is twelve. he is an old dog. they like to run and play in the park and by the lake.. look. in the photo spot is under my desk and bingo is by my desk. spot has a bone and he is happy. bingo is not happy. spot has his bone too. these are good.. l like spot and bingo. they are my pets. 1 are spot and bingo cats or dogs? 2 is spot red ? 3 is bingo brown? 4 is spot old? 5 is bingo old ? 6 where is spot in the photo? 7 where is bingo in the photo? 8 is bingo sad? 9 is spot cad? 10 are they good pets? перевести на русс и ответить на вопросы на анг

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У  меня две собаки. это спот и бинго. спот коричневый, а бинго рыжий. споту три года, а бинго 12. он старый пёс. они любят бегать и играть в парке и около озера. смотри. на фото спот под моим столом, а бинго около стола. у спота косточка, и он счастлив. бинго несчастлив. у спота ещё и его  косточка. это хорошие питомцы.  я люблю спота и бинго. они-мои питомцы. 1 are spot and bingo cats or dogs? =they are dogs. 2 is spot red ? =no,it isn't. it is brown. 3 is bingo brown? =no, it isn't. it is red. 4 is spot old? =no, it isn't. it is only  three.  5 is bingo old ? =yes, it is. it is twelve. 6  where is spot in the photo? =it is  under the  desk. 7 where is bingo in the photo? =it is  by the  desk.  8 is bingo sad? =yes, it is. 9 is spot sad? =no, it isn't. it is happy. 10 are they good pets? =yes, they are.

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